So, I got a new phone the other day. This one:

And with my new phone, I got a new plan. A plan that allows me to text. Unlimited text! Wow! I've never had that. My kids have, but not me. So, anyway, I have discovered, texting is fun. I love texting my kids. You know the typical parent/child text messages like: where r u? when r u coming home? where r u? i luv u! come bring me a pillow! did you brush ur teeth? where r u? Well, you get the picture. My kids love texting me too! They send me messages like: what's 4 dinner? where r u? i forgot my lunch money. i luv u. what's 4 dinner? come get me. what's 4 dinner? K, so, now you really get the picture.
I've made a few mistakes along the way as I'm learning to become an expert at texting. One of my first mistakes was when I thought I had Little Man's phone number memorized and I typed it in and then wrote him this text: where r u? Shortly thereafter I received a call from a young lady saying, "uh, yes, I just missed a text from this number. Who is this?" "Oh," I said, "I am so sorry, I was trying to text my son and I guess I put in the wrong number." To which she replied, "uh-huh." as she abruptly hung up the phone. I guess I got someone in trouble! Oops!
Second mistake was made today when I sent a text to my daughter. I mistakenly typed in one wrong number as I sent her this text: I took ur car 2 get a haircut. I think daddy has my keys. Be home soon. She was asleep and not wanting to wake her I thought I would be clever by sending her a text. That way if she woke up, she would know where her car was. It wasn't long that I realized my mistake and wondered if I should send some sort of "correction text". While I was forwarding the original text to my daughter a new text came in. Yep, it was from the number I sent the original text to. The text read: Who is this? I wrote back: I'm sorry, wrong number. Soon, another text arrived: But who is this? Yikes! I didn't answer. Then another text: Who is this? Gives you head! What the hell? What is that supposed to mean??? A friend of my son's was with me and quickly looked up the area code to which I had sent the mistaken message and told me it was in Iowa. Crazy corn farmers, I thought! Back the heck off of me...I'm new at this! The next text arrived and now they were shouting at me: WHO IS THIS... Persistent little corn farmer! Leave me alone crazy person, I think to myself. Sitting at my computer later, a call comes in. Don't you know it was from none other than the crazy corn farmer in I O W A! Dang! This person was not going to go away. Well, I showed them...I just didn't answer. HA! Later I was telling August about it and he said, "oh, you have some girl thinking that their boyfriend or husband is cheating on them?" Good gosh! Who thinks like that??? Well, I guess it is a lot more people than I would ever imagine. Who has that kind of time on their hands? I haven't heard anything more since the phone call and I'm hoping someone doesn't crawl through my window tonight with a scythe in their hand wanting to know who I am! But, like I said, I'm setting the world on fire with my new texting capability, lol!
Until next time...

Girl...this is HILARIOUS... You have me rolling over here. So glad you posted about this. I mean, really...who has time to be returning wrong text numbers? I can barely find time to shower these days!
ReplyDeleteOMG! I hope she doesn't come looking for you!
ReplyDeleteI had something similar happen when I was learning to IM. I thought I knew Joshs' IM name, but in reality I was texting a 12 year old boy. I kept asking why are you ignoring me, I know your online)...His mother was watching out for him online, she cut in and wanted to know what I was up to. You get that response back and you just want to chuck the phone/computer far away...and pretend it did not happen. I was worried that they would track me down and have me on one of those "to catch a predator shows".
Funny! I've made some mistakes too. I love being able to text my kids. Great way to keep tabs on them. Can you send pictures or receive pictures? That is the BEST when you have teenagers. If I ever feel unsure about where they are or if parents are home at the house where they are hanging out, I get them to send me a picture. Other parents are starting to do the same. It is driving the kids crazy...which I love too!
ReplyDeleteI myself am addicted to texting. It's a way to talk to my friends while I'm at work and the boss not accuse me of making a personal phone call